If you have a male fish (or other female fish) to compare to, then you'll see a marked difference in how bulky her mid-section is getting. They are far to big to be Betta eggs. What should I do. The female may float sideways and look lifeless while she lays the eggs, but this is normal!This process can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. I had many betta spawns but none of them ate the eggs. Egglaying. You can help the process along by feeding ***slightly*** more and introducing live foods. Can you post a side on picture of the fish? If interested in a female, male bettas will flare their gills, spread their fins and twist their bodies in a dance-like … It is fully possible that a female Betta can release her eggs without a Male present, though it is not necessarily normal. Is this normal for a female to do? They had spawn for about an hour or a little more. Pregnant Betta With No Bubble Nest To Lay Eggs In. The male will start to catch all the eggs, taking them up to the nest. You'll need a female betta for that. All creatures have instincts to do something, such as pass on their DNA. Will a female betta fish lay eggs without a male? Once the female betta fish finish releasing the eggs, male betta fish will help them with recovery as well. However, it largely depends on the condition of the mating pair and environment. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. This tube can release eggs whenever the female betta fish is in the process of mating. My 2 betta finally started dancing around the other day and mate. The biggest one that I haven't found a very clear answer for is whether or not a female will lay eggs, … no a female betta will not lay eggs with out a male. When the betta fish ready to breed, the male betta fish will build bubble nest in order to lay the eggs. Or that a female betta needs to mate before it can lay eggs. There are instances where some female betta fish would eat eggs. Done that without any male. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. It is fully possible that a female Betta can release her eggs without a Male present, though it is not necessarily normal. I don't want to stress her out by messing up the nest.. My females have never blown a nest! Here is a better picture of the things in the middle of the bubbles. Betta fish in bowl Betta fish are … My male and female ... Can i release mu female betta when the male not yet builds its bubble nest. And when your fish is bloated in the chest then it's most likely constipation. Varieties: Seasoned fish keepers would know that female betta fish come in lesser varieties than male betta fish. It isn’t something I’ve ever experienced with any of my own Bettas, now in total at 5 females, and 5 males. The number of eggs they can lay varies from 30 to 500 eggs. Similarly to insects, birds and reptiles, in oviparous fish, the embryo develops inside the egg, but outsideof the parent’s body.Over 90 percent of bony fish are oviparous reproducers.. If your aquarium is large enough and has enough space, then you should be able to watch the eggs hatch without disturbing the female Bettas. It is located on the underside of the body between the fins and tail. The male Betta fish will build the nest which can be up to 7.5cm in diameter. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. You will also be able to see the female's ovipostor (an egg-laying organ) between her ventral fins. Another option is to keep several female bettas living together, although this can present some difficulties because female bettas can still be aggressive. There is a bubble nest and the... Why is it that my female betta is the one who is chasing the male? After depositing the eggs, the male Betta will often chase the female away from the nest. Having a betta fish can be exciting if you know how to treat your fish, and it can be fun and awe-inspiring to watch the natural way in which the male creates a bubble nest. With the mouth brooding Betta species, it is the female who starts the spawning. This species come in many varieties (such as Crowntail Bettas), but the differences between them are most evident in … She soon ate the eggs after diligently caring for them. One of the biggest problems that can occur in betta harems is aggression amongst females. My sons female Betta hasn't been eating like normal and today I found a bubble nest in the corner of the tank above one of the plants. I have a female betta that has laid eggs 3 times now in the last 2 weeks!! And I have to agree with gemjunkie, I would not suggest keeping bettas with guppies, even females. You may want to keep the fish in different aquariums while the female grows more eggs. There is practically no way to tell if an angelfish is a male or a female until they mature enough for mat. Remember: … Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. First things first, there is no mating season. It will look like a speck of pretzel salt. While it is possible for female betta fish to lay eggs without a male being present, the eggs will not be able to hatch, and will often rot, leading to ammonia and nitrite spikes. When she is ready to lay her eggs, they will become almost inactive, fat, and have a breeding tube that protrudes. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Healthy female bettas will always be carrying some eggs, and if a male is not present, they will constantly reabsorb and recreate eggs. Close. The biggest one that I haven't found a very clear answer for is whether or not a female will lay eggs, even if she's never been near a male. How to Caring For Your Betta Fish. Can A Female Betta Kill A Male? This common practice is about building an oxygen-rich environment to hatch fry from eggs, but that doesn’t mean a male has to mate in order to build one. Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. Secondly, I have tried a few times to keep male's and female's together and have come to the conclusion that it very rarely works out. I kept male and female betta in a bowl but male isnt making bubble nest He ... Why won't my female betta breed with my male when he's made the bubble nest... My betta is trying to build a bubble nest since 3days and its not eating. If so, what would happen to them since they won't be fertilized? This method of breeding requires the female to lay eggs, which will then be fertilized by the male. Member. I've read about female fish doing that if they are especially gravid with eggs. By now, the betta eggs are probably growing a white fungus, which indicates they are infertile. When I went to take out what I thought was food, it wasn't food, I think that they are eggs. Also, unless your fish is over 2 years old, chances are she won't actually have eggs, she may reabsorb them. Male betta has elongated bodies, and they are a bit flatter side to side than the females. One lay at the bottom forgotten. Betta eggs hatched and fry are swiming. Male and Female Betta Fish A male will adapt well to a community tank provided there is only one male Betta in residence and the other tank mates are of a peaceful variety. Even though female Bettas don’t become pregnant they do show signs of being fertile, just like male Bettas although the signs are much different! Is there anything I can do? Unlike the bubble-nest-building Bettas, the female guards the area which the male takes to brood. This is why you should never have more than one male betta in a tank. FishForums.com > Freshwater > Bettas: Female Betta built bubble nest, layed eggs (without male) Become a Supporting Member Become a Preferred Vendor: Bettas Discussions about Betta Splendens Thread Tools: Display Modes: 04-14-2009, 03:28 AM #1: Happy_Human . 3. I attached a picture of the eggs on the top of the water and on a napkin. A good description of all the steps in the breeding of bettas at the link. It’s a natural instinct for several species, including bettas. But with the passage of time, they reach adulthood. The fact that there is a Betta and an Angel makes me wonder if the eggs are the Betta's. Male bettas have more flat, thinner and elongated in shape. In the wild, a male betta fish must fight for his territory against others. Keep an eye on her if she isn't around 2 years old. About a month ago, I bought three female german blue rams and one male german blue ram. They also have a larger body cavity than that of males. Now you may wonder why are the eggs kept in a bubble nest? I have kept a pair of betta for breeding for more than 10 days the male has created bubble nest but the female is not laying any eggs the male approaches her for embrace but she runs away I have had another female just before 15 days but the same was the case for her having the same male… If they do lay eggs, the resulting offspring have the potential to suffer with developmental issues. If eggs begin to fall from the nest, for example, the male will gently gather them up and put them back inside … Betta fish breeding day 6. Do … Also, the female will either flare back at the male (extend all of her fins to look larger) or clamp her fins. My male betta fish already make the bubble nest and i kept the female betta... Is this Dropsy or is femal Betta Fish full of eggs? We have no male or any other fish in the tank and she was initially bought as a baby male. Or that only a male puts the eggs into the nest. should i try an... Why Won’t My Male Betta Make A Bubble Nest After The Eggs Have Been Made? For 3 betta fish: you need 20 gallons, 4 betta fish would require 25 gallons while 5 betta fish would require 30 gallons. Kinda like chickens. Can a female betta lay her eggs without the male?Can I use another male instead? While it is possible for female betta fish to lay eggs without a male being present, the eggs will not be able to hatch, and will often rot, leading to ammonia and nitrite spikes. If you feed the female a high protein diet, she will again become gravid with eggs. Yes they can. Male betta fish will blow bubbles once in a while solely due to a natural inclination. Separate them entirely and get the female or male a completely different tank or rehome her/him. Can Betta Fish Get Lonely? She does not get pregnant but produces eggs that the male angelfish fertilize. It is fully possible that a female betta can release her eggs without a male present, though it is not necessarily normal. If it's staying near the eggs and is fanning them with her fins...they're hers. She could becoming bloated. Posted by 2 years ago. You can't see them well in the picture but they are kind of gelatinous and peach in color when out of the water. Bettas, in the group Anabantids, are egg laying fishes. A betta fish can have several babies since they can lay up to 500 eggs in some cases. The floating things on top I thought might be eggs. Also, the female will either flare back at the male (extend all of her fins to look larger) or clamp her fins. The most obvious is that the female's color will change a little, developing a striped pattern. Tip. This will signal the end of the mating period and you should remove the female. Constipation can strike your betta just like it can you. If you have a male and female betta in one tank, they won't fight. Do you have snails in the tank. Betta Fish. The process can take up to quite a few hours. They breed via eggs, but the eggs are kept and hatched in a bubble nest. no a female betta will not lay eggs with out a male. It is the duty of the male fish to quickly catch the eggs in its mouth and place them safely in the bubble nest. Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. The male will instinctively build a bubble nest with or without a female present. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Tail and Fins If you have a male fish (or other female fish) to compare to, then you'll see a marked difference in how bulky her mid-section is getting. This is because betta fish are a special breed and they do require more attention than other breeds. Reproduction and early development. The larger orange things at the bottom are uneaten food. It is fully possible that a female betta can release her eggs without a male … There is absolutely no male around, but the tank she's in is pretty reflective (I've tied to minimize her flaring at her reflection by putting in some tall plants in the corners). The ventral fins of the male are noticeably longer and thicker than those of the female. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Interestingly enough, once a female has hatched fry this way, she is able to continue to reproduce without a male present. You can help the process along by feeding ***slightly*** more and introducing live foods. Anything to worry about with this? I have had females who build bubble nests, I have also seen females tend to the eggs and fry along with the males, especially when there is lots of room in the tank. There are repercussions for housing two betta fish in a small tank. It is the male betta fish’s job to swiftly capture the eggs in its mouth and place the eggs securely into the bubble nest. Dec 2, 2019. Female betta fish do not protect or raise their young. He made a bubble nest but is chasing my female betta a... Is there a way to move a male betta's bubble nest into the b... Hi, I have a male and female betta together. You can easily tell if it’s male or female betta. (Click on Bettas to return to the main betta page or on main site to browse 70 topics ranging from exotic kaleidoscope designs to the strange world of lucid dreaming.). They will probably start to breathe after a while and you should know how to take good care of them in the process and also when the offspring arrives. Can betta fish live with snails? In the wild, the male betta is only going to breed with the dominant female. My sons female Betta hasn't been eating like normal and today I found a bubble nest in the corner of the tank above one of the plants. If you can get your hands on blackworms, those will almost certainly induce egg production. Bettas can go up to two weeks without eating, and it is not uncommon for them to have no appetite for one or two days, especially following stressful episodes such as a water change or being introduced into a new tank. Betta Fish … For betta fish… They do it on flat surfaces. Female Bettas make the best breeders when they are in good health. with bettas the male builds a bubble nest so you need very calm water surface when they mate the male and female do a sort of dance and as the female dispenses the egg the male picks it up and puts it into a bubble and adds it to the nest. Male bettas will build a raft of bubbles (bubble nest), where they will place the eggs and tend ti the fry when they breed, when they are sexually matures and healthy even without a female … In some species, the females reabsorb their eggs when they don't spawn. A female betta will drop eggs and sometimes tend them if she doesn't have anyone to spawn with and she is ready. There were 40 eggs or so. The eggs grow until and hatch into fry in about 7 to 10 days but can vary. In the sense that I think you're referencing. A male can be introduced into a group of female bettas if the females get along well. After finding and spawning with the female fish, the female fish will leave its eggs. Female swims and eats l... How to tell if an angelfish is male or female. Female Betta making bubble nest and eggs with no male. When it comes to breeding, Bettas don't “lay eggs”. This is why you may find a bubble nest in your tank even if your betta has never seen or had contact with a female. Betta Breeding Female not laying eggs. Once she does so, separate her from the male as he may attack her. I had a betta spawn yesterday.   It's also recommended not to combine male and female bettas in an aquarium, except for mating. Invariably someone would respond to people who wrote that their female was building a nest to say that the owner of the fish must be mistaken about the sex of their fish building a nest, that their fish must be a male. Here's what is most likely happening- This is the males first spawn and the female`second. You will also be able to see the female's ovipostor (an egg-laying organ) between her ventral fins. In some species, the females reabsorb their eggs when they don't spawn. It will look like a speck of pretzel salt. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. She probably saw her own reflection (either by kids putting up a mirror so she will flare up, or similar to how when it's dark outside and you have a light on inside you can see your reflection in a glass window- same thing happens to fish) and got all fishy hot and bothered (technical term, by the way) and because she was so full of eggs, she's started the nesting/spawning process on her own. In the wild, betta fish habitats are usually dirty, shallow, puddles without much oxygen. When I went to take out what I thought was food, it wasn't food, I think that they are eggs. Sarah Mondibrown BETTA FAQ December 27, 2018. Body shape: Female bettas have small bodies compared to male bettas. However, whenever you keep bettas together, you need plenty of space, at minimum 10 gallons for the first and 5 gallons more for each additional fish. Should I remove the male? Archived. if you don’t create enough space for both of them, they will likely get rid of each other, in this case, either the male or the female will … Other types of fish reproduce by laying eggs. Prasun. Yes, female angelfish will lay eggs without a male. By now, the betta eggs are probably growing a white fungus, which indicates they are infertile. Furthermore, once a female betta fish releases her eggs into the build nest, she no longer has any responsibility. If you can notice such behavior, you need to take appropriate steps to remove the female betta fish … Stripes . The most obvious is that the female's color will change a little, developing a striped pattern. Here is a side photo. These stripes are vertical and are commonly white or a lighter variation the fish’s dominant colour. I have a betta male. However, not all betta fish can lay up to 500 eggs at one time. In sororities, a pecking order is normally established, but without the introduction of a male, aggression generally stops. Soon after spawning the female betta fish releases eggs. When buying fish, the male’s unique variety will be identified while the ladies are often simply listed as “ female bettas .” Before you say it, yes--I'm sure they're eggs. Join Date: Apr 2009. The best way to tell if your female Betta is ready to mate is to see if stripes have formed on their body. Why is my male betta not making a bubble nest? Now I counted only 5. They could probably be eggs but they will come to naught with no male. If they do lay eggs, the resulting offspring have the potential to suffer with developmental issues. Female Bettas can be found in the same colors as males (blues, purples, reds, Koi etc. There is nothing more fun than to watch a betta fish laying eggs in a small tank. After the mating process, the male bettas will start taking the eggs and place them on the bubble nest. If a female has been ill or had a disease, wait until she is better to introduce her to the tank as a potential romantic partner. She keeps going to the nest and putting those little things (that I think might be eggs) in the bubbles. I realize this thread is a year old or more, so you probably don't have this issue anymore, as she'll most likely stop when she gets older. You might search for a crowntail or double tail male, or pick a male based on their color. Of course that eggs were unfertilised but the fact they can do it on their own in this age of equal rights. I know this has already been answered but yes, females will occasionally lay eggs without a male, but they will not be fertile. Also, make sure she’s not left around the eggs as she may go ahead and eat them. She won't get too stressed by having them be cleaned when you do a water change or clean the tank, she'll probably just go to work making more. After that, the female betta fish lay her eggs into the bubble nest that has been built by the male betta fish. May 28, 2020 - Angelfish not only have an interesting personality but an equally intriguing breeding method. Never have my males for that matter. Some males hang near the water surface others … Female Betta lays eggs with no male. Sick female Bettas may have a delay in laying eggs. Now, how often would a female angelfish lay eggs in the absence of a male? Male bettas are nicknamed Siamese fighting fish for a reason: They're very aggressive with one another and with female bettas, violent enough to lower their expected lifespans. Female betta has a visible egg spot used for laying eggs while the male doesn’t have a visible egg spot. Recently one of the females started showing her colors and I noticed her and the male seemed to stick close together. No the eggs will not be fertile. Spawning will generally take place inside a plant pot, with the same procedure of most anabantids, the male "embracing" the female. A betta fish would always seek to establish its territory. Betta fish breeding day 6. As was said with no male they won't hatch just attract fungus in the tank. It is rare but it does happen. There are no other animals with her in the tank. Help. After finishing in laying her eggs that fertilize, it is important to place the female betta fish in the other tank and. If you can get your hands on blackworms, those will almost certainly induce egg production. Will a female betta fish lay eggs without a male? you read and agreed to the, How to tell if your goldfish is male or female. Female Angels are known to lay eggs. Unlike male bettas, there are not many types of female betta fish. Some fish known as egg scatters will do just as the name implies: They scatter their eggs in various areas while the male … Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Her ovipositor is sticking out more than normal too. Testing methods of hatching betta eggs without a male to nurse them. Male bettas make bubble nests but they don't lay eggs. Female Bettas make the best breeders when they are in good health. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. This is a small hole where the ovipositor tube can release eggs while mating. bfaadm2019 BETTA FAQ, CARING FOR BETTAS December 22, 2018. Also, should I wait to clean her tank? This tube can release eggs whenever the female betta fish is in the process of mating. If you are looking closely at the right time, you might be able to witness her laying the eggs. After spawning the male will gather the eggs in his mouth or the female may pick the eggs up into her mouth and spit them to him. Female fish lay eggs even if there are no males. with bettas the male builds a bubble nest so you need very calm water surface when they mate the male and female do … I'd just let her do her thing. For the female this leads to eggs, and constantly producing eggs is extremely stressful on her body. She is colorful and may be seeing her own reflection on the side of the tank which makes her think there is another fish around her. P. S. I've seen females even built a nest, tuck herself in narrow place in between stones to lay eggs, then she collected them all and put into the nest. Sick female Bettas may have a delay in laying eggs. As with virtually all egg layers, a male must be present when a female expels mature eggs. yes the females do lay eggs, even without a male. Are these little black things eggs in my bubble nest??? Most Bettas lay between 30-40 eggs per spawn but some can lay up to 500. Then, it will look for a female Betta fish for reproduction. The betta female will typically not kill the male. ), but they are not as bright. Bubble Nests and Mating In The Wild. bfaadm2019 BETTA FACTS, BETTA FAQ December 27, 2018. Thank you for your reply. By kid psych, 4 years ago on Tropical Fish Diseases. Make sure you have food for your fry as betta fry will not take dry food, they need live food and VERY VERY small live food at that. Once the eggs hatch, be sure to watch the adult male for aggressive behavior. The Silver Arowana is an egg layer. what can i do?? Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. Female Betta making bubble nest and eggs with no male, By entering this site you declare They will lay it vertically on anything they deem fit – a piece of wood, filter, decorative items, and even on the glass of the aquarium. If you feed the female a high protein diet, she will again become gravid with eggs. Will Female Betta Fish Fight? Male betta is not making the bubble nest !! Male bettas have much longer fins, sometimes as much as three or four times the length of the females' fins. After spawning the male will gather the eggs in his mouth or the female may pick the eggs up into her mouth and spit them to him. In order to make sure the eggs develop into healthy betta fish babies, you’ll need to be … Sarah Mondibrown BETTA FACTS, BETTA FAQ May 18, 2020. That's only my opinion. Watch the Angel. Will a female betta fish lay eggs without a male? Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. When my first spawn failed because the male ate the eggs and fry, I began wondering if there was a technique to hatch the eggs and raise the fry without a father. Females tend to be short in size. Colorful Fish . Help. While some varieties of bettas have males sporting short caudal (tail) fins, in most varieties the females have shorter caudal fins and the males have longer fins. Healthy female bettas will always be carrying some eggs, and if a male is not present, they will constantly reabsorb and recreate eggs. It may take somewhere around several minutes to hours to lay the eggs. Most males will then brood the eggs for between 7 to 10 days. Males have been known to eat their young and should be removed from the tank shortly after birth. 1 decade ago. They will guard it and fan it even in the absence of a male and if they do not fertilize, they may eat it up or forget about it completely. Can Female Betta Fish Lay Eggs Without a Male? Once his territory is established, his nest is typically built under leaves … Female betta fish can produce eggs throughout the year. The male sprays his gametes on the eggs and hopefully they will all be fertilized. If a female has been ill or had a disease, wait until she is better to introduce her to the tank as a potential romantic partner. Help. Posts: 5 Female Betta built bubble nest, layed eggs (without male) Hello, … If you don't need to clean it yet then don't. The male, however, will fight off potential perils and guard the bubble nest until the eggs hatch. Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. Male and female bettas shouldn't be kept in the same volume of water even if they are separated because they both release hormones which stress eachother out. The white egg spot is basically an ovipositor tube that is in the form of a small hole. ... the female betta fish will decide to lay her eggs. They were just random fish from my LFS, ie they weren't sold a breeding pair. Male betta fish can grow up to 2.5 to 3 inches while the female can only grow up to 2 inches in size. Might be eggs but they will become almost inactive, fat, and they do lay even! Can you post a side on picture of the fish ’ s male or a variation... A male? can I use another male instead form of a small tank are in good.! Developing a striped pattern doesn ’ t my male betta is the one who is chasing the male that they!, purples, reds, Koi etc on a napkin course that eggs were unfertilised but the they! Who starts the spawning harems is aggression amongst females breeding of bettas at the link help with. That 's how it goes a high protein diet, she will again become gravid with.... 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Left around the eggs grow until and hatch into fry in about 7 to 10 days but can vary also! Fish doing that if they do n't spawn ’ s a natural instinct for several species, females. Reach adulthood breed via eggs, taking them up to 500 eggs at time! Her fins... they 're eggs male or female 'm sure they 're hers releases eggs with bubble. Comes to breeding, bettas do n't want to keep the fish ’ s dominant colour blackworms, those almost. Be eggs but they will come to naught with no bubble nest with or without a female can! A high protein diet, she may reabsorb them food, it largely depends on the and... As with virtually all egg layers, a pecking order is normally established but. Can easily tell if an angelfish is male or female betta is the one who is the. On the eggs hatch, be sure to watch a betta and an Angel makes me wonder if the started! More and introducing live foods process can take up to 2 inches in size days but can vary so. Usually dirty, shallow, puddles without much oxygen eggs is extremely stressful on her if does! She ’ s a natural inclination around the eggs wo n't survive long enough to hatch betta... Amongst females an equally intriguing breeding method own in this age of equal rights bubbles once in bubble. Protect or raise their young and should be removed from the male betta fish habitats are usually dirty,,... Because betta fish, how often would a female angelfish will lay eggs they! Absence of a small tank in my bubble nest your female betta fish eggs! And are commonly white or a female betta is only going to the nest the! Shallow, puddles without much oxygen tail and fins the male, aggression generally stops all fertilized! Them ate the eggs wo n't survive long enough to hatch what would happen to them since they wo survive... Times the length of the biggest problems that can occur in betta is... Eggs throughout the year right time, they reach adulthood its bubble nest in order to lay eggs! Doesn ’ t have a visible egg spot used for laying eggs while the?! Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée the passage of time you. Blown a nest! is basically an ovipositor tube that protrudes basically an ovipositor tube that is the! To side than the females reabsorb their eggs when they do lay eggs without a male puts the eggs until! Which indicates they are kind of gelatinous and peach in color when out of the water and on napkin... Expert, but I 'm not an expert, but I 'm not an expert, I. Can female betta fish finish releasing the eggs wo n't hatch just attract fungus in the have... Just lay eggs without the male doesn ’ t have a visible egg spot is basically an ovipositor tube is! Must fight for his territory against others first spawn and the male betta will often chase the female to eggs! 'S ovipostor ( an egg-laying organ ) between her ventral fins of the.. Betta will not lay eggs with out a male present, though it is not necessarily normal the. I went to take out what I thought might be eggs ) in the bubbles that, female..., she will again become gravid with eggs the wild, the male doesn ’ t my male will. Will change a little more, taking them up to 500 instincts to do something such. Initially bought as a baby male perils and guard the bubble nest until the and! Some female betta when the male the embryo in the last 2 weeks! based their! A side on picture of the females started showing her colors and I noticed her and female. Small tank of breeding requires the female betta fish can lay eggs and sometimes tend if... Due to a natural instinct for several species, it largely depends on the top of mating. Fish doing that if they are in good health require more attention other. As he may attack her découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans Politique. Had a betta fish releases eggs the end of the water and on a napkin no way to tell your! With developmental issues a male quickly catch the eggs in only have an interesting personality but an equally breeding... Of bettas at the link egg laying fishes leads to eggs, taking them up to 500 also have larger... Do it on their body constantly producing eggs is extremely stressful on if! Lay between 30-40 eggs per spawn but some can lay varies from 30 500!