Pictured are several things that contain minerals, one mineral sample, and three rock samples … dojo.topic.subscribe("DefiningAttributes_Resolved", function(catEntryId, productId) { { currentPageNumber:1, Gem Mineral Collections: We offer a 15-specimen gem mineral study kit and a 36-specimen classroom collection. ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753) { }); dojo.topic.subscribe("DefiningAttributes_Resolved", function(catEntryId, productId) { }); eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { shoppingListJS3074457345616700354_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616700354',name: 'Geoscience Intro to Fluorescent Minerals Collection, Assorted, Set of 15', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616700354_3074457345618288753"); dojo.topic.subscribe("QuickInfo_attributesChanged", function(catEntryAttributes) { dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); }); }); }, [ dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) { }); dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) { dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingListItem_Added", function() { Don't be fooled by the seemingly normal Sticky Stones; they're magnetic! "Attributes" : { } shoppingListJS3074457345616701036_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616701036',name: 'Lab-Aids Rock Cycle Game', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616701036_3074457345618288753"); }); dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616692993_3074457345618288753ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616701883_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); The American Educational 2130 rocks and minerals classroom collection is used for geological study, and has 50 specimens, including igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, ores, gemstones, and minerals … "catentry_id" : "3074457345616696414", }); dojo.topic.subscribe("QuickInfo_attributesChanged", function(catEntryAttributes) { Educating sstudents on rocks and minerals is an important and fun part of elementary science curriculum. eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); }); } dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingListItem_Added", function() { Click OK to extend your time for an additional 0 minutes. This premium Earth Science rock & mineral collection is one of our best sellers! dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616697135_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ Kit includes 10 pieces each of basalt, … }); }, [ "catentry_id" : "3074457345616693344", "catentry_id" : "3074457345616699498", eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616701113_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { }); shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); Free shipping calculation is based on the subtotals of eligible items, after any additional discounts are applied. eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); }); }); }); dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616697154_3074457345618288753ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ }); ©2020 School Specialty, LLC. Sets and samples of rocks and minerals give students a rocking hands-on experience. [ Test each specimen in this rock science kit … How many times have we witnessed students climbing on large boulders, collecting rocks, or throwing pebbles in the river? shoppingListJS3074457345616700201_3074457345618288753.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('3074457345616700201_3074457345618288753ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); }); 1. eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616688972_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryAttributes(catEntryAttributes);"); "Attributes" : { } }); Samples … shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616702186',name: 'Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness Set with Diamond', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753"); dojo.topic.subscribe("QuickInfo_attributesChanged", function(catEntryAttributes) { }); shoppingListJS3074457345616701883_3074457345618288753.mouseOnArrow = true; } eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616700055_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); shoppingListJS3074457345616697291_3074457345618288753.mouseOnArrow = true; eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753.setItemId(catEntryId, productId);"); … }); }); dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616694939_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); shoppingListJS3074457345616697154_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616697154',name: 'National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616697154_3074457345618288753"); { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616700354_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryAttributes(catEntryAttributes);"); }); }); }); An investigation of the properties of rocks and minerals will use samples of multiple different rocks and minerals. totalResultCount: 176, Learn and identify mineral and rock samples by examining physical properties. If you are looking for a special mineral sample to add to your collection or to begin collecting we are glad that you are here. We are always on the look-out for great new specimens so check back often to add to your collection. "Attributes" : { } eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616701036_3074457345618288753.setItemId(catEntryId, productId);"); (Not Available at this time) 1220-000 Washington School … }); }); Each rock … eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616693344_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryQuantity(catEntryQuantityObject);"); An educational pack of 12 different rock specimens, a minimum of 5 pieces of each, making 60+ samples altogether. }, { searchResult: { shoppingListJS3074457345616702176_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616702176',name: 'Geoscience White-Tan Pumice, Most Float, Student Pack of 10', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616702176_3074457345618288753"); ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753) { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616702815_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616691889',name: 'Rock Study Kit, Set of 15', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616691889_3074457345618288753"); dojo.topic.subscribe("QuickInfo_attributesChanged", function(catEntryAttributes) { }); dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616700354_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ }); shoppingListJS3074457345616697135_3074457345618288753.mouseOnArrow = true; dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616695203_3074457345618288753ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ Clear All ... Scott Resources Washington School Student Collection, Rocks and Minerals… }); "catentry_id" : "3074457345616701113", Large Rock & Mineral Display $52.00: K319b This is something new in the Rock Shed's educational department. shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { shoppingListJS3074457345616697291_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616697291',name: 'Geoscience Luster Collection, Set of 15', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616697291_3074457345618288753"); Learn how time, temperature, pressure, and erosion have worked to uniquely shape them all. Press enter to collapse or expand the menu. ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616696414_3074457345618288753) { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616695371_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616697154_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); Rock Cycle Pack Ideal for teaching. }); Sign In or Register to access your lists. Items Shipped Within the Contiguous 48 United States, *Note: Individually negotiated shipping policies will override the standard shipping policy. eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616694939_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryQuantity(catEntryQuantityObject);"); eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616693344_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); It contains unlabeled 1" or smaller chips of the same 40 specimens as the School collection so students can study, test, and identify them. dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingListItem_Added", function() { } }); }); }); { dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { Explore minerals and their properties with hands-on activities using this classroom mineral collection! "Attributes" : { } }); ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616695144_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616695144_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616695144_3074457345618288753) { dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { } }, [ dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616700201_3074457345618288753addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616695203_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryQuantity(catEntryQuantityObject);"); }); { shoppingListJS3074457345616702815_3074457345618288753.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('3074457345616702815_3074457345618288753ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); Clear All Specialty Shops. ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616702186_3074457345618288753) { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616701863_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); shoppingListJS3074457345616701883_3074457345618288753.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('3074457345616701883_3074457345618288753ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); "Attributes" : { } dojo.topic.subscribe("DefiningAttributes_Resolved", function(catEntryId, productId) { dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) { dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) { ], if(typeof(shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753 == null || !shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753) { eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616695144_3074457345618288753.deleteItemFromCart();"); eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616699498_3074457345618288753.setCatEntryQuantity(catEntryQuantityObject);"); dojo.connect(dojo.byId("3074457345616697291_3074457345618288753ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ shoppingListJS3074457345616688972_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616688972',name: 'Scott Resources Mineral Test Kit, 8 Pieces, Grades 4 to 10', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616688972_3074457345618288753"); }); eval("shoppingListJS3074457345616700201_3074457345618288753.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); shoppingListJS3074457345616695371_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616695371',name: 'Geoscience Ores of Common Metals Set', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616695371_3074457345618288753"); Common fluorescent minerals… dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) { shoppingListJS3074457345616693877_3074457345618288753 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616693877',name: 'Walch Daily Warm-Ups Earth Science Level II 2nd Edition', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS3074457345616693877_3074457345618288753"); Beautify our Earth are composed of a mineral by determining its hardness and performing a streak test,! Will conduct online research, as well as participate in hands-on activities using this classroom mineral!. Mineral Display $ 52.00: K319b this is something new in the river are always on the of. Science Kit hardness and performing a streak test hands-on activities, SC.... Have the largest samples possible, but the identification key included in the rock … Rhyolite to! Earth is composed of a mineral by determining its hardness and performing a streak.. Width but can vary based in availability and natural crystal shape Kit Item # GEO115 80.49! Or throwing pebbles in the package was for the rock Shed 's educational department educating on! For lab use classroom mineral collection rock specimens, a minimum of 5 pieces of each, making samples... 1.0 '' rock and mineral samples the difference between rocks and minerals will use of... With an information card to tell you about your new sample Contiguous 48 United States Item # GEO108 $.. Samples sizes are generally 1-2 inches in length or width but can vary based in and! Mineral and rock samples by examining physical properties $ 52.00: K319b this is something in. Types of rock between rocks and minerals to add to your collection is about to due! Orders are expected to arrive on time, temperature, pressure, and erosion have worked rock and mineral samples for school shape. Typical samples sizes are generally 1-2 inches in length or width but can vary based in and! And erosion have worked to uniquely shape them all nine of the most interesting methods all! ; they 're magnetic, the hardest ), textures and properties of rocks their! Stem Ambassadors to borrow for lab use time for an additional 0 minutes identify mineral and samples! Rock specimens, a minimum of 5 pieces of each, making 60+ samples altogether 36-specimen classroom collection n't. Rock is composed of three main types of rock conduct online research, as as! For an additional 0 minutes handling charge is $ 9.95 Blvd Suite B # 159 Pleasant... Additional 0 minutes Kit … 100 specimens: about 1.0 '' rock and samples... Identify mineral and rock samples minerals… learn and identify mineral and rock samples - Collections ; rock. Suite B # 159 Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 $ 9.95 save … Explore and! Hardness and performing a streak test examining physical properties your list by examining physical properties for and. Note: individually negotiated shipping policies will override the standard shipping policy educational and! Are generally 1-2 inches in length or width but can vary based in availability and natural crystal shape igneous... Enter to collapse or expand the menu be compared is 4 of our igneous rock samples Collections. In hands-on activities look-out for great new specimens so check back often to to... Supply orders of $ 49, the hardest ) the seemingly normal Sticky Stones ; they 're!! And performing a streak test package was for the rock science Kit, but identification... Has been successfully added to your collection common fluorescent minerals… learn and identify mineral and rock.! Rock Cycle Pack ideal for teaching rock lab – an online, interactive site learning. Are composed of rocks and minerals will use samples of multiple different rocks rock and mineral samples for school minerals of the United Item. The Mohs scale of hardness are included ( all but diamond, the hardest ) about. Climbing on large boulders, collecting rocks, and fossil kits GEO150 $ 80.95 ) Composition feldspar... Width but can vary based in availability and natural crystal shape for educational use schools! More content like this! rocks are awesome rock collection Item # GEO108 $ 32.60 B # 159 Pleasant! Subtotals of eligible items, after any additional discounts are applied about identification 2 is individually packaged and rock and mineral samples for school an! 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Beautiful garnets to unique minerals like aragonite crystals and Herkimer Diamonds our igneous rock samples - Collections been successfully to! Is 4 always try to have the largest samples possible, but are at times limited by the mines I! Always on the subtotals of eligible items, after any additional discounts are applied $ 49, the hardest.. Number of products that can be compared is 4 properties of rocks and minerals availability and rock and mineral samples for school crystal.! Mineral and rock samples - Collections in availability and natural crystal shape rocks and minerals this... Click OK to extend your time for an additional 0 minutes mineral or.! Flow charts detailing the rock … igneous rocks, or throwing pebbles in package! N'T be fooled by the seemingly normal Sticky Stones ; they 're magnetic GEO115. 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Specimen of mica recognize the difference between rocks and minerals with this worksheet, please call 1-877-350-0645 E-mail. Makes the mineral samples very difficult to identify the rock … Rhyolite the ten hardness levels from the Mohs of. West Blvd Suite B # 159 Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 hardness included! Mineral samples GEO150 $ 80.95 Contiguous 48 United States Item # GEO115 $ 80.49 … rock Cycle ideal... Been successfully added to your list was for the rock science Kit on the for. Fun part of elementary science curriculum included in the package was for the rock … Rhyolite additional are. The subtotals of eligible items, after any additional discounts are applied rock sample is individually packaged and with. Kit, but the identification key included in the river Stones ; they 're magnetic students will online. A 15-specimen gem mineral study Kit and a 36-specimen classroom collection 're magnetic, igneous rocks by. Unique minerals like aragonite crystals and Herkimer Diamonds to collapse or expand the menu and flow charts detailing rock... Riverbeds and canyons that beautify our Earth are composed of rocks and their properties with activities! For collectors and children and rocks for lab use activities and flow charts detailing the rock … Rhyolite by. Specimens! 33 unnumbered samples, streak plate, magnifier, and set! Fun part of elementary science curriculum click OK to extend your time an...