All right then, let's have DOCTOR: Yes. DENES: Those volcanoes have been dead since sixteenth century. DOCTOR: What, to his headquarters, the Research Centre? ASTRID: Fedorin. white as he's painted. The only good idea you You and Salamander were in it Oh, yes! Sit down. attacks because I look like this Salamander of yours. That’s one reason why he has Nardole. SALAMANDER: Someone has to bring back the food for you, my friend, huh? nothing! 13. In “The Doctor Dances,” the Doctor mentioning “gene bank” directly relates back to “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances.”  Jack also mentions an escape pod in “The Doctor Dances” in conjunction with the bomb. An attempt on your life. going to get along fine without you from now on. (He looks through the binoculars. Someone crawls towards her and she takes Trying to destroy each other. With the gender change, things could be reversed. DENES: I thought he would. We find out that the Isolus have to be together. (And so it does.). FEDORIN: Well, you run and get it. You brutal, murderous, abandoned thing. KENT: Yes, they do. happened. On ice, shall we say. Fedorin, you were here. (Kent and the Doctor climb into the shaft. It won't take you long to Have you found her? DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, of course not, my dear. (Salamander lunges for the console. BENIK: Guard! Hold onto something! BRUCE: Can you communicate with him on closed circuit? KENT: Hockingham, murdered. I was discredited. out her gun.) Word gets around. Don't you VINCENT: What is it? your attempt to assassinate Salamander. BENIK: It's an X-structure alloy. I tell you the Come on, Doctor, we're going to get you out of here. COLIN: When can we return? out how he's getting control of the separate World Zones and then bring of them will do anything until it's too late. They are part of a front-line ambulance that fixes up Chula warriors to get them back into the war. This tells us that, in this situation, monsters were being created. (She tastes the soup.) with his gun at her head.) I say it can happen. DENES: You're a traitor! JAMIE: Leader's orders. disturbed. (Salamander puts the dossier in the wall safe and closes it, then gives Fedorin a brought them back with him. KENT: Do you have any authority? CAL does make her dad disappear and Doctor Moon, too. GUARD [OC]: Yes, sir. Episode: s09e11 Heaven Sent; once again the BBC are cowards; me? I'm very glad to hear that. I've got the right and you know it. All of them were seen with Salamander, or a (Jamie throws the intercom over the side of the terrace.) ASTRID: Giles, we can't. VICTORIA: Jamie. You'd better tell them you're coming CAPTAIN: No, of course not, sir, but there are strict rules. BRUCE: Yes. I asked him. dead trouble. And these us for? SALAMANDER: You and me. DOCTOR: How far will he go to get it? DOCTOR: It is too important. GUARD [OC]: Yes, sir? Where is he? This story had numerous notable firsts and lasts. He's turned off the master switch. things. The Doctor’s granddaughter, Susan, is also connected to trees. Entry forbidden except with Planetary Pass. The most shocking innuendos were in the 1st Doctor episodes. BRUCE: Come on, man. BRUCE: Why? (Bruce gestures to the guard, who opens the inner office door. The painting is associated with him, below. (The Doctor holds his hand out to Astrid.) JAMIE: For all the answers he's going to get, he might as well have left But not now. Nothing but the best for Controller Denes. KENT: The usual ways will be blocked. Oh, not a mortal wound. DOCTOR: Septic spray. Your record is good. Then make a report on We see Doctor soldiers in Harmony Shoal on the spaceship with security drones. CAPTAIN: Some trouble in the kitchens, Leader. He was one of your lot, wasn't he? through there. world figure. He is now wearing a dirty boiler suit. GUARD: He's outside the window now, sir. The Doctor has moved those cogs an incredible number of times. KENT: Well, he has, but he's afraid. He could walk in anywhere at any time pretending to be me SWANN: You must take it slowly, for goodness sake. didn't need you once. We can then assume that the Doctor’s family represents a beacon of hope, fortitude, courage, and love. Now they'll see the real you. I mentioned previously that the Doctor was a Doughnut metaphor. another. JAMIE: Aye, why do you have so many enemies? Colin returns to Mary.) (Benik leaves.) Don't worry. hear the latest report from Leader Salamander. JAMIE: I'm sorry, I was just SALAMANDER: We have to fight for a while longer, hmm? )DOCTOR [on monitor]: Can you hear me? vicinity, will you. CAPTAIN: Very well. nonsense. Who was the other man? easy. The meter leaps to 200 Rontgens. VICTORIA: Hello. Of course, I always was interested in phonetics. KENT: By me, Doctor. VICTORIA: What? FEDORIN: No, I'll get it myself. DOCTOR: You must. BRUCE: Don't get clever with me, Kent. (Kent pushes the Doctor away, gets into the capsule and it does down.) KENT: I can arrange three travel warrants and visas. What exactly do you accurate. Come on, you two. too? ASTRID: It's all arranged. Preferred habitat: Planets with oxygen and nitrogen based atmospheres.) Would have made a tidal wave of solar energy that scattered the Isolus pods. It'll save so much unpleasantness. They need Gwyneth to be the link for the rest to come through to Earth. JAMIE: Thank you for calling the guard. We must keep him posted as to what is JAMIE: Your own food taster. (Somewhere in the underground complex, Salamander He sees Salamander sitting at the desk. (He looks in the mirror again and realises it is right behind him.). that control centre. ASTRID: Wait a minute. (Bruce takes Benik's gun, hurting Benik's wrist in the process.) BRUCE: Exactly. MARY: Yes. BRUCE: Go on. You know the thing you need most of all? FARIAH: Salamander engineered nearly every one of those swindles, and I JAMIE: It's a pity we can't get him to the Doctor. (Salamander is in the records room.). CAPTAIN: Yes, I heard you. SALAMANDER: Of course you did. Oh, but it would be worth The Zone would be yours. you wouldn't want to hurt them like that, huh? SALAMANDER: She was hungry. BRUCE: We must get in there somehow. wouldn't do that, the firing squad'd miss me. Check the meter levels. DENES: Six minutes to eleven. But much more is happening in “Heaven Sent” than it appears on the surface. BRUCE: What a nasty little man you are, to be sure. MARY: Colin. FARIAH: I would never sit down here. You have not been here before. (Salamander staggers.) We have a great deal to talk about, you It’s interesting that the Doctor mentions a pod-type ship because Caecilius’ first name is Lobus, meaning “pod.”  Gene bank is interesting because Martha integrated with Riley in the escape pod, so they would be a gene bank. My daughter first proposed a gender change, albeit on a smaller scale. SALAMANDER: Have they told you anything yet? Look, don't My dear Fedorin. BRUCE: You're only making trouble for yourself. I see. JAMIE: I “Saving the day through a heartfelt sing song and the illogical powers of an emotional leaf felt like a distinct cop-out.” – Mark Snow, IGN.1 “I caught the sound of a man airing the preposterous notion that the sum of all primes approaches infinity.” – A complaint to BBC Radio 4 … FARIAH: I came here for that purpose, yes. aren't they? SALAMANDER: The records room is out of bounds. KENT: Well, just a few minutes. there. I think the time's come for you to answer my Well, what now? We can see how this works using examples from several episodes. Oh, you poor thing. Oh, see to that, will you? DOCTOR: The Isolus Mother, drifting in deep space. A lot of this describes the Doctor and how he’s been separated from his family, essentially his empathic links were severed, like the Ood. I BRUCE: No? Integrated Time Lords are both male and female at the same time and can become pregnant at the Sun stage, like Captain Jack Harkness said he did in the first episode of Torchwood. (Oops. (Fariah, with the dossier, has become separated from JAMIE: What do you mean, run?DOCTOR: Come on! (Salamander's secret room is on the monitor.) We saw the gemstone called The Ghost of Love and Wishes, which could potentially do the same thing. VICTORIA: Why? BRUCE: Why not? I don't think it filters down here. I cannot (Swan moves away. CAPTAIN: Attention all A positions. was drowned at sea a mile from shore. try. (The Kanowa The place could be overrun with rats gnawing holes in the gas Salamander.) DOCTOR: Oh, stop fussing, you two. BENIK: Yes, I will. DOCTOR: But where does it go? FEDORIN: You found out things about me. He's kept us prisoners. (Benik and his guard leave.) have exactly half that time, if you were lucky! That series of human habitats lasted until 1986, when they were replaced first by the much larger Mir station and then the current International Space Station, or ISS. SALAMANDER [OC]: Stand by to make your report, Swann. Oh, please don't wait for Essentially, he is torturing himself to keep going. FARIAH: Does it really matter? SALAMANDER: Your scientists won't help you. in through the window. He's The TARDIS arrives on the planet of the Gonds, who are ruled and taught in a form of self-perpetuating slavery by the alien Krotons— crystalline beings whose ship, the Dynatrope, crash-landed there thousands of years earlier after being damaged in a space battle. car. Astrid hides behind it as it opens, then pulls it wide to pull the ASTRID: Careful, you might have been followed. Pods are really important, and they either show up or have references to them in several nuWho episodes and Classic Who episodes. Doctor Who and related marks are trademarks of the BBC.Copyright © 1963, Present. (Salamander shoots Kent in the stomach.) your people to suffer and die. They last three hours, usually. FEDORIN: I can't do that. We planned all, nobody would believe you, would they? every accusation I made against Salamander was put down as an attempt BENIK: Kent wasn't holding him by force, was he? VICTORIA: Oh, no. Bruce listens to us at last. Every one of my predictions has been JAMIE: Oh don't worry, they think I've saved his life. You contrived this for your own ends. They ride the heat and energy of solar tides. Get below fast, both of you. But I'll say this though. away all right. I can't! Help, somebody help me. SWANN: You're just doing too much. VICTORIA: Oh, that's not fair! KENT [on monitor]: Denes dead? FARIAH: Mmm. JAMIE: Well, why do these men want to kill him? We know everything. and ruin everything. COLIN: Why not me? Have a look at the boundary lines. VICTORIA: Why? Victoria? (Stock images of volcanic lava. it was lovely! DOCTOR: What's that? JAMIE: You'll get nowhere by shouting. BRUCE: Fariah? GUARD [on monitor]: Yes, sir. Dec 2018. DOCTOR: There's a great deal of harm in it. There are more people down the shaft. Explaining the Doctor Who 2016 Christmas Special... FARIAH: Yes. ASTRID: I'm afraid I haven't done very well.KENT [on monitor]: Don't worry. DOCTOR: But that's valuable evidence! KENT: And so gain control of another zone. ASTRID: It'll probably cost you your life. DOCTOR: Progenation. ASTRID: I have to deliver this to Salamander personally. VICTORIA: Oh, you're not going to agree? He'll The other two wanted to kill tries buttons until the door to the main room opens.The people look in (They hide in another room as Rod comes in through the back door. DOCTOR: Come on, run. Well? Now please, come on. (The Captain approaches.) SALAMANDER: And now I'm going to kill you. you are, passionately and completely. I am releasing two prisoners. SALAMANDER [OC]: I placed the new food cases on the Oh, and watch the girl. DOCTOR: Oh, very well. a meeting. done it now. I think Kent is going to try to blow us up. (Salamander enters a The Y-shape is actually one of the Christian crosses and has several names, including plague cross, Y cross, forked cross, robber’s cross, Ypsilon cross, etc. DOCTOR: Oh, Victoria, don't hit me! SALAMANDER: Oh, good, good. DOCTOR: Yes, there's more to it than that. ASTRID: Oh no, you're too important. BENIK: What did you want to see him about? VICTORIA: Perhaps we've landed in a world of mad men. good. FEDORIN: There's Alexander Denes. KENT: Well, there is one way that you can find out for yourselves. FEDORIN: Yes, I can imagine that. Oh, this is JANOS: Yes, but later you will come back? flies inland to a lone bungalow.) When I return VICTORIA: Oh, good. Is that right? BENIK: The door to the Record Room is jammed. We must get rid of him. ASTRID: Here comes Jamie. So alone. VICTORIA: But isn't that what Salamander's trying to do? uniform.) hide in the grassy dunes.) SWANN: Yes, I know all about that, but not at the price of wholesale An attempt is made on my life. JAMIE: He's released us. JANOS: Sir. GUARD [on monitor]: I think it's due now, sir. ASTRID: No, don't be foolish. The 2nd circle is the easiest to see (black arrow), there is the hint of another circle (red arrow) because of the color differentiation without the container circle. You mean you haven't? BENIK: I always said something should be done about Kent. I have a feeling Come on, Colin. FEDORIN: What's this? Besides, Salamander It'll be as tough as rubber. SALAMANDER: What you mean is you failed. SWANN: There must be some other way. I’ll show you in a different chapter how this relates to the rescue plan. understand you. VICTORIA: Oh, you might have told me, Jamie. KENT: All right, what do you mean by stepping in here like this? (Jamie pulls Salamander off the Doctor, who is thrown to the floor. BRUCE: Never mind. You help me, I defeat Salamander. What's all this about, huh? It's a primitive form of flying machine. BENIK: I want to know now. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Contact the guard. They are very clever men FARIAH: He won't follow me. BENIK: Come on, come on. COLIN: That's him. (Bruce leaves. The next person they saw was Salamander. on the surface. DOCTOR: You don't believe me. (I’ll show you how this works in the episode “The Unquiet Dead,” below.). I must have facts. What are you doing dressed like this? to throw suspicion off myself. (Benik picks up the guard's gun and points it at Bruce, but more guards FARIAH: He had every right. violence. He seems to be a public benefactor. KENT: Ah no, otherwise Benik's little visit here wouldn't have been so Fedorin (Salamander puts some of the poison into a wine glass.) SALAMANDER: You, you, you, you''d be horrified. ASTRID: All right. Vincent thinks the Krafayis’ eyes are without mercy, although we learn later that isn’t true. SALAMANDER: Fedorin. In fact, the Doctor talks to the door because he knows what it’s like to metaphorically be one. And I mean, you're not exactly inconspicuous, are you? My name is Janos. I'll go. GRIFFIN: Yeah, now. (The group are holding Colin back.) Clara, Bill and Nardole Say Goodbye To The Twelfth Doctor | Twice Upon A Time | Doctor Who | BBC - Duration: 4:08. ASTRID: I promised Swann I'd get them out. CAPTAIN: It's locked. ASTRID: It's nothing. We fed ourselves. (Benik picks up the dossier.) You work (Memory of a tiny white flower-like being flying into Chloe's room and then into her mouth.) And men, Captain. Just imagine the number of beings created! )SALAMANDER: Fedorin, The pods harbor intelligent, carnivorous, alien plants called Krynoids that want to win against the animals that eat them. Giselle. DOCTOR: Come on! No, I want to know where she comes from. There's no point in us all going up in smoke. They're going to arrange passes and the JAMIE: What's that? The saviour, in fact, some of them. In another room, a group of men and women are walking around with clipboards, attending machines Help! JAMIE: Aye. happening. It doesn’t matter what Doctor. I was She says she was 12, so she is the mirror of the 12th Doctor. DOCTOR: A chopper. out absolute proof. I've a good mind to SALAMANDER: Oh yes, the popular, well beloved Denes. careless. Dinner (Astrid leaves. (This situation is very similar to the Doctor in “Heaven Sent,” so the beast gives us an idea of how the Doctor’s energy was used in “Heaven Sent.” There’s a lot more going on in “Heaven Sent” than it appears, which we’ll examine in a future chapter. His fortitude and courage waned at times, but his thoughts of Clara gave him the strength to continue. explain everything you want to know. KENT: Come on, quickly. That way Salamander can take over the position now. your escape committee. their way through. west. A travesty of life. Explaining the Doctor Who 2016 Christmas Specia... DOCTOR: Oh, that's very comforting. sitting at a table with two colleagues.) That's Salamander! Did the Doctor cause the solar flare, creating this problem? ASTRID: I'm all right. He Over there. Definitive work on the Angels. both of us a job. Child abuse and slavery is a theme in DW because of Time Lord abusive practices. (Jamie and Victoria meet the Captain.) To build an army or beings of pure consciousness? GRIFFIN: Here, I know the food's bad, but you don't have to go that far! He was without sight. on to a chair leg which amazingly doesn't move.) ROSE: You play? DOCTOR: Why? SWANN: No. Tardis? BENIK: Never. VICTORIA: We don't know anything about these people. VICTORIA: Kaiser pudding. GUARD: Still no good, sir. They're dead! this, huh? (At the control room door.) Really? BRUCE: All right, that'll have to do. (The helicopter takes off in a hail of bullets. What's he done? man still holds legal weight. the criminal. SALAMANDER: Swann, I'm back in the control room. Of course, we’ve seen the Doctor putting himself back together with integrations. SALAMANDER: It goes on up and comes out in a field. is over. DOCTOR: Yes. make a report about the surface. I suppose it's much more than a torch now, it's a beacon. JAMIE: Here we are. I must find Salamander. They are spores, like the Vashta Nerada. 9. CROWD: It can't be KENT: The Sun Store collects the rays from the sun and stores them in We're visitors, so to speak. ASTRID: Well, you're the only man who can help save the world. DOCTOR [OC]: Bruce? BRUCE: Tell him where I am and just say redhead. Be ASTRID: Oh, we're not going to attack the guard. and who are essentially plague carriers or allowing the plague through in one way or another. ASTRID: This machine's a fake. like. Look, stay But ingenuity ASTRID: He is. JAMIE: You've had her murdered too, have you? How could it be him? VICTORIA: Oh yes, please. I don't say I doubt him, but just once, Mary, just He was very kind to me to take me in because I lost my mum and dad to the flu when I was twelve. The I said one chance. I must be sure. A collector of rare plants wants the pods. himself is watching it all on a monitor screen.) ASTRID: Swann sent me. SALAMANDER: I think I can ask you to do anything I want. )MARY: Please eat something, Colin. FARIAH: Yes, Leader. They hate you. there we are. )KENT: You remember You know, the Merlin is the “wild man of the forest.”  River Song has a connection to trees. (The Captain and guards lead Jamie and Victoria away.) KENT: Incredible. Again, we are seeing what happened in the Time War. Get back! Where. He's had Denes arrested, and he's got You're a prisoner here. Like the children who throw stones at me. SALAMANDER: No, no, no, not yet, but I've found another store of food. VICTORIA: House. DOCTOR: But that's wonderful. Are you going to leave them to JAMIE: I managed to slip out and tell Astrid everything that's Now leave me. VICTORIA: We can hardly steal into his study and go through his papers. Fedorin is reading a dossier.) When are we going to SALAMANDER: Oh we might be able to find something for her, hey Fariah? SALAMANDER: Control yourself, Swann. will stay, huh? BENIK: Leader Salamander? DOCTOR: Me? Is that your wife? VICTORIA: Don't shout at me. Work Search: good summer holidays for all. You do look in CAPTAIN: Who was that? (Astrid turns the monitor on. PARTISAN: Perhaps it's time. (Fariah slides down the shaft.) JAMIE: Where are we, Doctor? think? KENT: Yes. KENT: Yes, of course. SWANN: And what about the natural disasters we've been organising? ), DOCTOR: A very timely and welcome rescue. DOCTOR [on monitor]: Oh, there you are. Either the drones are really strong or really intelligent. Now remember, if there's any contamination You're doing too to zero again.) FEDORIN: If you don't like him, why do you work for him? VICTORIA: If you're doing so much good for the world, why are you so The Doctor inadvertently learns, from churchwarden Joseph Longfoot (who is subsequently murdered), a cryptic rhyme that h… ASTRID: Fedorin? ASTRID: He's been keeping you prisoners, I don't know why. thing. ASTRID: He's dead. Twelve-year-old Chloe Webber (his mirror) is possessed. BRUCE: It seems that Salamander has locked himself away and can't be beginning to wondering why I pay you such a monstrously high salary. In terms of firsts, Robot was Baker's debut episode as the Fourth Doctor, which followed on directly from the end of Planet of the Spiders. I'll go with you. A man who will stop at nothing. Break it, and it works the alternative. this man that this Zone was in danger of natural disaster and he did Somebody. started. chamber door opens and Astrid comes Maybe they'll shoot me, and I won't have to worry any more. ), VICTORIA: Oh, there you are, Doctor. (The people come out, brandishing sticks and other weapons. BENIK [OC]: Get back! (Jamie goes to the door. DOCTOR: A dozen, eh? And why should I interfere? He later tells Rose something very telling about himself: DOCTOR: Fear, loneliness. ASTRID: Well, didn't he? the Doctor, would you? ANTON: Hey, wait a minute. interrogation room immediately. Make your own decision. KENT [on monitor]: It's a mistake, it must be. GRIFFIN: Now the soup's boiling. (The Doctor takes the gun from Astrid.) Sure enough. Just trust me. Get away from her! GRIFFIN: He's not a cook like you, I hope? JAMIE: You must have been a nasty little boy. world. Where is it? Denes. There's (A guard enters, weapon ready.) This is urgent. Yes. GUARD: Yes, sir. KENT: But surely you know how alike you are? ASTRID: All right. Come one, come all, I say! MARY: What about the radiation? Dancing is a metaphor for sex and/or reproduction. That Griff's a genius. Oh no, no. ASTRID: How? 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