And that is simply by using a WordPress Plugin on your site. Web: Like, Share, Send, & Quote. 1. Les options de réglages sont assez avancées puisqu’il est possible de déposer un marqueur sur un point unique ou sur une zone définie, d’ouvrir une pop-up avec des tableaux sélectifs, de créer une carte géographique, ou de classer le contenu selon des catégories définies. In search of a better alternative, I tested WP Embed Facebook plugin, which turned out to be a better option with more features. Demo | Download. Additionally, it comes with multiple customizable themes. The WordPress Plugin Directory is the largest directory of free and open source WordPress plugins. Read through the Plugin Developer Handbook to learn all about WordPress plugin development. The plugin simplifies the task of uploading images and performing bulk changes. Facebook traitant votre image, Yoast SEO préconise une dimension de 1200px par 630px. This post is to share few free plugins, which can be used to add Facebook open graph meta data into your website’s head. Justified Image Grid is one of the few WordPress photo gallery plugins on this list that isn’t available for free at iMapper est un plugin permettant de réaliser des Images Map pleinement responsives. La fonctionnalité de galerie WordPress n’a rien de mal. Quote Plugin. I am trying to set the Featured image as the og:image. Vous pouvez personnaliser toute la page en changeant sa couleur, en y ajoutant une image d’arrière plan, en y ajoutant un logo, etc. 4. Facebook Auto Publish is a simple wordpress plugin that allows you to publish posts automatically from your blog to your Facebook pages or profile. Facebook Messenger for WordPress. In this article, we will show you some of the best featured image plugins and tools for WordPress. Note that I only use the free version in this article! Like the Zotabox plugin above, this premium plugin helps cover your bases in much the same way. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. Like & Share plugin is the best social media solution which adds Follow, Like, and Share buttons to your WordPress website posts, pages or widgets. It also allows you to add the Meta Description tag and Name, Description and Image tags for more effective and efficient Google+ sharing results. Hold dig opdateret . It also includes the option to configure your website for tracking through Facebook Insights. To start with, you must know that there are a number of ways to share your posts on Facebook. Malgré une certaine redondance avec les métadonnées de base, elles offrent la possibilité d’optimiser finement les partages sur les diff Alternatively, you can also use the WordPress SEO by Yoast mentioned earlier to implement Facebook Open Graph protocol on your website. Pour une image, cette méthode fonctionne très bien. IK Facebook Feed Plugin. [Premium] Showing you social previews to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Fantastic information. This is my current pages code for the single blog post. How to Add The New Facebook Page Plugin in WordPress. Yoast is powered by a team of expert developers, testers, software architects, and SEO consultants. User Role Editor plugin is free and available on, so just install and activate the plugin as usual. Comment retrouver l’ID d’un profil Facebook pour ajouter un administrateur et gérer Facebook Insghts. WordPress plugins can help you create LightBox images that can showcase your media files in a creative and innovative way. Tweak: Changed the way the Facebook Like Box loads to avoid a conflict with the Facebook Messenger widget. Edwin. This is a great way to receive positive feedback from your visitors, earn media exposure, and consumer validation for your brand. But I will tell you the easiest way to do it. Ce plugin remplace efficacement le système par défaut de commentaires de WordPress avec de belles sections de commentaires commutables. Kraken isn't really a free image optimizer plugin for WordPress because it offers only 100MB space and it is not renewable. Tweak: Facebook avatar images are now circular to match Facebook. First you need to visit Facebook’s Page Plugin website. The big selling point to this plugin versus the free one above is that you get a lot more customization options here. En revanche, les choses se gâteront un peu plus si vous voulez en poster 20 d’un coup, par exemple. Facebook Feed WordPress Plugin. … One such feature is the ability to set a specific image for your homepage or any blog post when that link is shared on Facebook. But, it is a best-selling WordPress photo gallery plugin at CodeCanyon with over 20,900 sales. Facebook a travaillé avec Automattic pour créer un plugin WordPress qui permettra à n'importe quel site utilisant le célèbre CMS de publier sur la plateforme Instant Articles. The save button lets people save items or services to a private list on Facebook, share it with friends, and receive relevant notifications. Most notably, this allows for these pages to be used with Facebook’s Like Button and Graph API.. So, that’s a good sign! The Facebook plugin includes a range of data on your content shares. #3: Customize the Text for Any Social Share They work constantly to stay at the cutting edge of WordPress SEO, and to improve the plugin with every release. Uber Login Logo. Test des 8 meilleurs plugins Instagram pour WordPress Because I encountered some problems when sharing images from WordPress to Facebook (through Open Graph), I searched high and low to solve this. You will find the options to configure the appearance of your Facebook page embed. Once you’ve added images to a gallery, you can easily change the alt text, title, description and tags. A ce niveau-là, la façon la plus simple d’intégrer du contenu Instagram à WordPress est d’utiliser un plugin. Tweak: Animated the social media icons when the Facebook “Share” button is clicked. Cependant, avec les bons plugins, vous pouvez accéder à de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités intéressantes. Save Button. VOIR LE PLUGIN. Concrètement, il s’agit de balises standardisées pour récupérer le titre, la description, l’image principale, etc. Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags for WordPress . From sharing Facebook updates, fans, events and images on your website to automating updates and adding a handy image share feature, you’ll find a lot to like in the list of 15 free Facebook plugins for WordPress below. WordPress bloggers should learn more about this style so that they can choose the best plugin for their website. IK Facebook is an easy-to-use plugin for adding a Custom Facebook Feed of any Public Facebook … Alternatively, you can leave it blank, and Facebook will try to automatically adjust it. Resize images before upload: this plugin resizes your images before they are uploaded to your server, so you don’t need to use an image editor.Useful when you are dealing with massive image uploads or have bandwidth issues on your server. Descrizione. Opret et plugin. Replace WordPress commenting with the Facebook Comments widget, quickly and easily. Reply. For instance, Open Graph elements on your page can tell Facebook what the title is, the URL, and the image to show when shared on Facebook. The premium version of the app will enable you to make multi-functional sliders and also supports social media integration for users to share your photos and videos. Find out how to host your plugin on In short, it’s a standardized way to add information to your page about your page. So thank you very much for your help! And Facebook plugins for WordPress can allow you to make the most of this social network. 7 Meilleurs Plugins WordPress Gallery Pour Présenter Vos Images. Email Web: Save Button. Featured images play an important role in most modern WordPress themes. Building a plugin has never been easier. Group Plugin. While you can find beautiful royalty free images to use on your WordPress site as featured images, there is a lot more you can do with featured images. Photo Gallery de 10web. TRUST THE EXPERTS. If you don’t want to run the Facebook Blue theme, change it. Image Pro: lets you resize, add, and change images easily.It performs server-side resizing. How does Facebook know which image to use? The issue is that it isn't picking up the feature image at all instead it is picking up the images in the content. Le plugin Yoast SEO – anciennement WordPress SEO by Yoast, dipose de l’option intitulée Ajouter les métadonnées Open Graph. This is a convenient and useful freemium plugin that is extremely easy to use. Once you have them installed on your blog, the shared content would look attractive and better on Facebook when someone likes and shares your content. This plugin inserts Facebook Open Graph Tags into your WordPress Blog/Website for more effective and efficient Facebook sharing results. The plugin saves you from the manual task of copying your blog updates and publishing them manually to your facebook account. I have tried various ways and plugins but finding it hard to get my head around this. So, you can make your website more engaging by customizing the colors, fonts and so on. Jason says: April 23, 2018 at 8:27 pm. Posting options . 5. Next you will need to enter the width and height for the box. Most people don’t know how much impact LightBox media can have on an article. Facebook Feed is a WordPress plugin that displays the news feed of your different social networking platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Before trying this amazing free plugin, I tested Facebook Album plugin that is good but it got some issues with UX, especially on the mobile phone. iMapper. Configure User Roles in WordPress using Plugin Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin. WP Embed Facebook: Embed Facebook Album, Fan Page into WordPress. PeepSo : un plugin réseau social à l’image de Facebook Publié le 12 novembre 2015 18 août 2019 WordPress > Plugins WordPress Vous connaissez sans nul doute le plugin BuddyPress conçu pour le CMS WordPress qui permet de rassembler une communauté de fans autour d’un thème donné. Facebook uses something called Open Graph protocol. 2. Facebook Comments by Fat Panda. As part of our WordPress migration services, we always install the Yoast SEO plugin. The reason for this is that it handles all kinds of SEO features for your site. The Open Graph plugin inserts the Open Graph metadata into page head section and provides filters for other plugins and themes to override this data, or to provide additional Open Graph data. The free version of NextGen Gallery is one of the most popular gallery plugins on, being active on more than 800,000 WordPress websites. Multi Comments For WordPress est un plugin WordPress simple et léger qui offre la possibilité d’afficher des commentaires Facebook, Google+, WordPress et Disqus directement sur votre blog. Thank you for sharing this post, as it gave me exactly what I needed to correct the issue. Here's the problem. Simply provide the URL of your Facebook page. Laissez-nous vous présenter quelques-uns de nos meilleurs choix ! This image slider WordPress plugin is particularly useful for touchscreen devices as it allows you to add swipe controls for easy use. Si vous cherchez simplement à remplacer facilement le logo WordPress de la page de connexion (login) avec votre propre logo, ce plugin et largement suffisant. The plugin offers a high level of customization which is not usually seen in most plugins. The Group Plugins lets people join your Facebook group from a link in an email message or a web page.